I know I always bang on about time freedom, financial freedom and geographical freedom. Blah, blah, blah.
But what does any of that actually mean?
Most people probably think I live this amazing rock-star lifestyle gallivanting around the world on gold-plated jet skis never doing any work or something.
lol – like that’s my dream scenario? Like that’s my best possible life?
Do you know what the best bit is for me?
What makes me realise that I’m living my best life?
My Monday Mornings…
Play the video below and I will tell you.
Apologies for the wind noise, I’m walking my dog and I’m the only person out there in the beautiful countryside.
Because everyone else is busy at work doing their 9 to 5, plus their daily commute.
I’m literally always the only person on the walk and I have the countryside to myself.
You see, that’s what time freedom is really all about for me.
Not the fact that I probably could go travelling around the world if I really wanted to and I do occasionally work from anywhere in the world I choose.
But I do have one major regret!
I wish I’d started my online business when I was much younger. I could’ve been the dad that had time to see all those magic moments with my kids growing up.
Instead, I was like most of the other dads, working too hard, selling my time to a boss that I hated and I missed out on so much precious time with my kids.
And the result? I ended up losing it all. I lost my wife and my kids in a divorce case. Which also stripped me of all the money that I’d been working so hard for all those years.
Maybe you’re not a parent or a pet owner and this all means nothing to you.
But I bet there are a lot of things you wish you could do, whenever the heck you want to.
Maybe you’re even reading this in your office in front of your computer at work dreaming about living the life you want to live?
So, a small suggestion from me…
You’ve maybe only got about 1500 weeks left in your life to do that.
Push that button below and actually DO something about it.
Start to change course now, before it’d too late!
Join a global community and training platform that will teach you step-by-step how to build multiple, automated online income streams.
Once you’re a member you will be able to book a one-on-one call with me and find out how I made a transition from being a miserable employee and business executive to becoming a successful free digital entrepreneur. Using the same community and training that’s available to you below right now
It’s much closer than you think, in fact, it’s just one click away.